Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"It's makes me shudder to think about it."

That's what one woman said after learning that abortions are legally performed through all nine months of pregnancy.

When we go to places like Grand Canyon University, Arizona State University, and the Arizona State Fair, our display of fetal models and information pamphlets is greeted very differently by different people. From shock, to joy, to anger, people who pass by our booth can rarely be silent about what they see. Some people, even college students and adults, have never seen what the fetal development of a baby looks like and are amazed and shocked when they not only see how "unbloblike" the babies look, but learn about the gruesome details of abortion. Some mothers eagerly bring their children over to see the fetal models, and say "Look, you used to be that small when you were inside me!" as the children smile shyly and clasp the hands of their parents tightly. Still, others will walk past and laugh at us, or say things like "Oh, please!" However, these discouraging comments and actions are far outnumbered by the several positive reactions we receive.

By having informational booths at public places like universities and fairs, we present the people who pass by with the opportunity to learn about the human fetal development, which, in my opinion, is by far the most important stage of our life but is not taught enough in schools. It's important that we educate men and women, and children, before they make such a critical, life-changing decision as having an abortion, something they could regret for the rest of their lives. Even if we never hear about it, we are actively saving lives by spending our time to do this, and that is our ultimate goal.

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