Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"I know this issue is very controversial. But unless and until it can be proven that an unborn child is not a human being, can we justify without proof that it isn't? No one has yet offered such proof; indeed, all the evidence is to the contrary. We should rise above bitterness and reproach, and if Americans could come together in a spirit of understanding and helping, then we could find positive solutions to the tragedy of abortion." ~ President Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address ~ January 1984~

Exactly. President Reagan has struck it soundly on the head. How can we, as a nation, allow abortion, the killing, the murdering of an unborn child while inside the mother's womb, which in all fairness should be the safest place, when it has not yet been proven that an unborn child is not a human being -- on the contrary, all evidence proves that the unborn become human beings at the very moment of conception. How can we accept and justify something that puts any human life in danger and kills it, especially when the "theory" that life hasn't begun yet has not even been proven?? And what is all this for? Choice. Freedom. But, the choice of what? The freedom to do what? To kill our own children. To dispense of human life, the most precious gift of all, the one thing that should be a given to everyone, above anything else. We should be rising against this and making it our primary goal to bring an end to such injustice, no matter what the cost.

"Give us the grace -- When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life." ~ Pope John Paul II

"Never tire of firmly speaking out in defense of life from its conception and do not be deterred from the commitment to defend the dignity of every human person with courageous determination. Christ is with you: be not afraid!" ~ Pope John Paul II

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"It's makes me shudder to think about it."

That's what one woman said after learning that abortions are legally performed through all nine months of pregnancy.

When we go to places like Grand Canyon University, Arizona State University, and the Arizona State Fair, our display of fetal models and information pamphlets is greeted very differently by different people. From shock, to joy, to anger, people who pass by our booth can rarely be silent about what they see. Some people, even college students and adults, have never seen what the fetal development of a baby looks like and are amazed and shocked when they not only see how "unbloblike" the babies look, but learn about the gruesome details of abortion. Some mothers eagerly bring their children over to see the fetal models, and say "Look, you used to be that small when you were inside me!" as the children smile shyly and clasp the hands of their parents tightly. Still, others will walk past and laugh at us, or say things like "Oh, please!" However, these discouraging comments and actions are far outnumbered by the several positive reactions we receive.

By having informational booths at public places like universities and fairs, we present the people who pass by with the opportunity to learn about the human fetal development, which, in my opinion, is by far the most important stage of our life but is not taught enough in schools. It's important that we educate men and women, and children, before they make such a critical, life-changing decision as having an abortion, something they could regret for the rest of their lives. Even if we never hear about it, we are actively saving lives by spending our time to do this, and that is our ultimate goal.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Randi Yeager

Randi Yeager, 16-year-old prolifer and VP of AZ Teens for Life. Randi stepped in to help right as I had hit an all-time low with AZT4L, and I don't know what I'd do without the continued support and companionship that she gives. Even just the sense of having someone else "on the team" with me has really helped me more than anyone will ever know, but she's also helped immensely with her "Go Get 'Em" attitude and passion for life. She's been such a blessing, to me and AZT4L.

I asked Randi some questions and she answered them as seen below:

Why is being so active in the fight for Life so important to you?

Randi: Being active in the fight for Life is important to me because it really is a matter of life and death for unborn babies. It's hard to just stand by and not do anything while babies are being murdered, and not help all those who are uneducated on life issues.

Why and how do you think teens can make a big impact in the fight for Life?

Randi: Young people can have the biggest impact in this fight, because young people are the ones having so many of the abortions, and who feel the most insecure when they find themselves in that position. They're more likely to listen to those their own age on issues like this, so I feel like it's necessary for teens who do know the truth to educate people their age who don't.

What is your advice to teens who want to get involved?

Randi: Stand up for the truth!! Come join Arizona Teens for Life so you can meet others who are likeminded and can be enabled to further your mission for the sanctity of life.

Randi's right. The youth in our country have a bigger say in these matters than they realize. If we teens were to stand up and defend life, our society would start second-guessing where they stand on life issues. This is one of the missions of AZ Teens for Life -- to enable and empower teens all across the state of Arizona to take a stand for the truth, and to speak out and educate people about the silent holocaust in our country.

Thank you so much, Randi, for all of your help!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

ProLife Rosary

Yesterday was an eventful day. While some people were off finalizing details for their Halloween plans that night, a rosary was led by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted for an end to abortion, and was said by hundreds of people yesterday at the Planned Parenthood clinic located on 7th Ave. The sidewalk surrounding the clinic was swarming with men, women, and children, all who came out in the heat of the day to pray as a group for an end to abortion. Police officers were careful to direct traffic around the crowd, and even occasionally joined in the rosary. Native Americans came and danced in honor of Our Lady of Guadelupe, whose missionary image was there beside Bishop Olmsted as he said the rosary. People ranging in age from little children to seniors came to show their support.

While standing there, we received mixed feedback from passing traffic. From being flipped off and yelled at to "get a life!" (we're saving lives instead!), to being honked and waved at, our large group was definitely noticed by the passersby. Even if we only saved one life, or made an impression on one person -- maybe one child saw our signs as their family drove by and will remember that as they grow older -- the time we took to stand outside Planned Parenthood was well spent.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

"We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred. If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other." ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta ~

Friday, October 30, 2009

Adoption: A Real Act of Love and Kindness

"The Answer to an Adopted Child: Not Flesh Of My Flesh, Nor Bone Of My Bone, But still Miraculously My Own. Never Forget For One Minute: You Didn't Grow Under My Heart, But In It."

My mom was adopted, and she thanks God everyday that her biological mother chose life for her. She's been trying to find a way to send a letter to her mother so she can thank her for choosing life, and tell her how much she appreciates what she did. However, as much as she wants to thank her birth mother, she loves the parents she has now, and wouldn't change what happened to her for the world. My grandparents got lucky, mostly because back when they were adopting, abortions were illegal and contraceptives weren't as common, so there were many more children up for adoption. Now, thanks to abortion and contraception, 600,000 children are put up for adoption every year, but 2,000,000 couples are looking to adopt because they can't have children of their own. And several of those couples want to adopt more than one child. The numbers don't add up.

Please, give your baby a chance at a happy, wonderful life with one of these couples who are praying for children. As the daughter, niece, and friend of adopted children, I can tell you, your baby won't regret it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The "Save The Children" organization has been working with Planned Parenthood to get a hold on population control. Apparently they believe in saving children from hunger and malnutrition, but encourage and even sponsor the death of unborn children by abortion. Can I ask, what makes a hungry child's life so much more valuable than that of an unborn child?